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Start at the root of your hair and the base of the curling stick wrap hair around stick till you reach the end hold for a few seconds and slip the stick off I find it easier and I like the curls more when I twist the section of hair I'm doing a little before and as I curl it around the stick. If you find your hair isn't curling try using smaller sections and add some product like hair spray before curling A word for the wise be very careful when using the curling stick it's really easy to burn yourself

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It's called a broom. It's used for balance during the "delivery" of rocks, and also for "sweeping" a rock's path to make it go farther or alter it's trajectory.

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Q: What is they stick thing they use in curling?
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What is the ball shaped thing in curling called?

A Stone

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Animal control pole

Can you use your curling iron in Europe?


What products make straight hair curly?

For strands that won't bend, use a curling iron. It's time to break out the heat tools if your hair is still stick-straight after drying. Since curls can sag over time, use a curling iron or wand with a barrel that is smaller than the size curl you desire.

Why does Lady Gaga have that stick thing?

The Disco Stick is an invention made by Lady Gaga to use in her some of her stage performances.

What kind of rock do they use in curling?


How to get hair like this?

use a curling iron!!

In what sport do they use brooms rocks and sliders?

Curling is a Winter sport played on ice. The rock or Stone is hurled or bowled as players use a broom to sweep the ice in front of the stone as it slide across the ice.