The average amount that one can expect for the soda can is close to $15 each. The amount will vary depending upon its condition.
what are the names of the charities that michael jordan donate to
Michael Jordan has two brothers and two sisters. There names are James R. Jordan Jr, Larry Jordan, Deloris E. Jordan and Roslyn M. Jordan.
Michael Jordan's siblings are Jackson and Fred Jordan.
· Michael Jordan · Moses Malone
Air Jordan, Your Royal Airness, Ready For Takeoff, Le Wilde Bulle, Sir Altitude, MJ
Michael Jordan is all I know. Famous anyways.
Michael Jordan has two sons, Jeffrey Michael and Marcus James. He also has one daughter, Jasmine.
Michael Jordan Michael jordan, Ervin(magic) Johnson, Karl Malone, Kareem Abdul Jabaar,Larry Bird and many more. Michael jordan, Ervin(magic) Johnson, Karl Malone, Kareem Abdul Jabaar,Larry Bird and many more.
Juanita Jordan is his wife, Jeffrey Michael is the oldest son, Marcus James and he has a daughter named Jasmine.
First one who was born was Michael Jackson Jr. a.k.a Prince he is 15 years old second one born was Paris Katherine Jackson she is 14 last one born was Prince Michael Jackson II a.k.a Blanket he is 10 years old.
Jordan is.