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MLB Rule 6.02 is pretty clear:

The batter shall take his position in the batters box promptly when it is his time at bat.

(b) The batter shall not leave his position in the batters box after the pitcher comes to Set Position, or starts his windup.

PENALTY: If the pitcher pitches, the umpire shall call Ball or Strike, as the case may be."

The official commentary on this rule says even more: "Umpires may grant a hitters request for Time once he is in the batters box, but the umpire should eliminate hitters walking out of the batters box without reason. If umpires are not lenient, batters will understand that they are in the batters box and they must remain there until the ball is pitched."

Unless an umpire agrees to call, "Time" at the request of the batter, the pitcher may pitch at will, and the umpire can call a strike if the pitcher throws the ball down the middle of the plate without a batter there. If a batter refuses a request to re-enter the box, the umpire can call a strike even without a pitch.

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