The REAL answer right now would have to be either the Giants, Ravens, or Falcons. Falcons having the best record thus far.....
Chicago Bears 9
WRONG: Green Bay Packers have 13 the Steelers only have 6
1) Green Bay Packers
2) Pittsburgh Steelers
The preceding opinion completely left out the Oakland Raiders and the Philadelphia Eagles...
the name of the Mississippi NFL football team is Ole Miss
The first NFL team in Indianapolis is the Colts.
There is no NFL football team called the Mountain Goats.
the favorite nfl football team in England is the Bangals
Pittsburgh Steelers. NFL football.
The NFL is the National Football Leauge so it's not a team... SMH -_-
There is no NFL team called the Grizzlies.
It was founded for the American Football League, but the NFL made a stronger offer for the team, so the team waited until 1961 and became an NFL team.
The National Football Team is the league for the professional football teams in the United States.
Pennsylvania's sole professional football team is the Philadelphia Eagles.
Hollywood does not have an NFL team, but there is football there. For instance, one of their high school football teams is the Sheiks. Los Angeles (the city Hollywood is in) has an NFL team, the Rams.