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Radius is 8 feet with the center being 18 inches in front of pitching rubber.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The pitching circle is to your shoulder's , elbow , knees, and all around in a circle!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

My daughter turned ten in july, She throws between 45-49 on her fastball.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The size of ball is 24" by 6". The circle of ball is 8' in radius with the center being 18" in front of the rubber.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A 10-u softball is 11 inches

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βˆ™ 15y ago

eight foot

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Q: What is the size of the pitching mound in softball?
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How big is a softball dimaond?

it can be any size, that can fit the requirements, for the bases, and the pitching mound.Answerit can be any size, that can fit the requirements, for the bases, and the pitching mound.

Can a player lick their fingers before pitching in softball?

only if they're off the pitching mound

How far is it from the pitching mound to the batters plate in Dixie Youth softball?

What age Dixie Youth.

In NCAA girls softball how far is the pitching mound?

For squirts the distance to the mound is 35 feet. For Peewee's the distance is 38 feet.

How to build an indoor dirt softball mound?

You can't. Softball doesn't have a raised mound.

For fastpitch softball how do you measure from the pitchers mound to homeplate. Is it from the back of the pitchers mound to the back of homeplate or front of mound to back of plate?

Measure from the front edge of the pitching rubber to the back tip of home plate.

How many pitching options does a pitcher have when playing softball?

they must pitch the ball underhand, and drag their foot after they push off of the mound

Is the softball mound elevated?


How far is the pitching mound in 8u softball?

40 feet for 16U 35 for 10U and moves to 43 feet in college

How do you build a indoor softball pitching mat with pitching rubber attached?

use turf and take a seven foot long piece of turf and then glue a mound down with hot glue

What is the difference in height between a women's college softball pitchers mound and home plate?

There is no height difference. A softball mound is not raised like a baseball mound.

What is the distance from home plate to the pitchers mound in slow pitch softball?

According to the National Softball Association rulebook, Women's Adult Slow Pitch Divisions shall have a pitching distance of 53 feet.