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Q: Is the softball mound elevated
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How to build an indoor dirt softball mound?

You can't. Softball doesn't have a raised mound.

What is the difference in height between a women's college softball pitchers mound and home plate?

There is no height difference. A softball mound is not raised like a baseball mound.

What are the dimensions of a softball mound?

Softball doesn't have a raised mound. In fast pitch softball, there is a circle with an 8 foot diameter drawn around the pitcher's plate.

How far is collage softball pitchers mound?

43 feet

In NCAA girls softball how far is the pitching mound?

For squirts the distance to the mound is 35 feet. For Peewee's the distance is 38 feet.

Why doesn't softball have a raised mound?

In baseball, the ball is released at higher point (shoulders) in a downward motion. In softball, the ball is released at a lower location (the hip) in a straight motion.A softball mound is raised up about a 1/2 inch to help the pitcher push off.

Why aren't baseball and softball played the same way?

I would humbly suggest that this question is sort of like asking "why aren't football and rugby played the same way?" They are played differently because they are different sports.Assuming you are talking about fast-pitch softball, it is interesting to ask, "why does fast-pitch softball exist as a sport?" Softball apologists suggest that it's just as hard to hit an underhand softball from the shorter distance than to hit an overhand baseball from 60 feet 6 inches.Why are they different? Because they have different rules. They are different games. Why did softball come about is another question. It's possible it hung around as a variant of baseball which originally dictated underhand pitching of the ball. The rules changed to allow overhand throws from the mound so perhaps some people kept playing with the original underhand rule and the game evolved from there.OpinionThe main reason for the differences in the rules is due to the size of the ball used. I think the most interesting thing to know would be, "Why is it that baseball is mainly designated for men and softball generally speaking is designated for women? (other then recreation leagues)

What are some examples and difffernences between softball and baseball?

Baseball: Smaller ball, larger bats, elevated mounds, grass infields, longer distances between bases/mound, overhand pitching, larger fields, and more innings in a game.

How far is the home plate from the mound in world softball?

Closer than the potty ;)

How far is second base from the pichers mound in girls softball?


How far is pitchers mound for 2013 world series softball?

43 feet

In mens softball how far is the pitchers mound to home plate?

50 feet for slow pitch softball, 46 feet for fast pitch.