The set shot is where you push the ball up into the air from your chest to set someone else up
your fingers do most of the work when doing a set
Setting is a movement in volleyball to get the ball over the net. To set a player has to raise both hands above there head and push there hands forwards, which pushes the ball over. Setting is normally used by one of the players in the front row of the team.
in basketball you make a rainbow shot
You set a vollyball when it is above your head.
A volley in volleyball is the name of the thing you do when you hit the volleyball upwards in order to set your team mate up for a smash.
It is called the set.
You set up for spikes.
basketball, volleyball, golf
a roll shot uses top-spin and an arching trajectory
You can hit i volleyball by bumping it, serving it, spiking it, jump serving, roll shot, roll serve, and jump roll