The average salary for an NHL player was $1.9 Million for the 2007-08 season. I would expect this number to be on the high side given that it is likely skewed by the a number of very highly paid players.
More then youll ever see in your life
1.2 Million dollars. This was back in 1999
Professional hockey players do not have salary caps, however the team they play for do. example, a player can make as much money as the team is willing to pay him, but the total salaries of all the teams players must be below a certain amount.
The average professional trumpet player salary is $66,500 yearly. Why are you asking?
The salary of ice hockey player Scott Gomez is $700,000 for the 2013 season plus a $5.5million prorated salary. It used to be $7 million but he is now seen as a liability.
The mean salary of professional baseball player is about $3.2 million per year. The current minimum salary in 2014 for a pro baseball player is $500,000.
You can just say, "i am a professional hockey player" or call yourself an professional athlete in hockey. Anything you want really.
It depends on so many different things.
The salary for a professional water polo player varies by team, location and how good the player is. An average is around $30,000.