the line were the attack and defence cannot cross before the referee calls possession. the line is in front of the crease and before the center Field line.
the free point line
The parts of the basketball court are: the three-point line, the key, the base line, the free throw line, the sideline and the half-court line.
The midcourt line in basketball exactly divides the basketball court into two equal sections. In the NBA the line is47 feet from each end line.
Yes, the foul line in basketball is also commonly referred to as the free-throw line.
Well, there aren't really. The line to the left is the first base line and the line to the right is the 'out of bounds' line. These two lines form the 'restraining box' and when a runner runs to first base they are supposed to stay within this box. If the runner runs outside of the restraining box they can be ruled out for interference should a thrown ball hit them.
Center Court Line, Free Throw Line and Base Line.
They line them with rubber.
In a basketball stat line PF stands for Personal Fouls.
everything is the same except the three point line is farther away in mens basketball