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Q: What is the read position in volleyball and how is it used?
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What materials are used to make volleyball?

Click on the 'Volleyballs' link on this page to read about what is used to make a volleyball. There are links on the linked page to read about the construction of the ball and other aspects of a volleyball.

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What is the position called when a server serves a volleyball?

every single position on a volleyball court serves. there is no specific serving position

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Volleyball does not have a quarterback position.

What is an overhand position in volleyball?

a spike

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Is there a position in volleyball that doesn't serve?

Every position in volleyball does serve. ---- All players rotate a clockwise direction therefore every player will ultimately have to serve

In volleyball what is the position of an extra player who sits on the bench called?

it is called the libero usually used for passing specialties

What position does Carrie Walsh play in volleyball?

Carrie Walsh doesn't really have a technical position because it's sand volleyball and there's only two people playing, so there really is no position

In volleyball where does the the serve take place from?

Position #1

What is the serving position in volleyball?

the same that serves in tennis