Volleyball jersey's just like in any other sport show unity of a team. Jersey's all look alike with the exception of the numbers on each jersey that helps the officials to identify each player. In volleyball there maybe one jersey that is a different color from all the others on the team with the exception of the fonts on the lettering and numbers. This is called a libero. This person is defensive specialist and once the ball is in play must play only the back of the court.
net, volleyball, jersey (aka shirt) and spandex shorts, knee pads
"Athletes Corner"
new jersey
You need a jersey supplied by the team, A volleyball (mabey) You need the correct shoes (for indoor) You need a team
They can't hit it over the net
Usually shorts and a tank top jersey.
spandez shorts, jersey tank top, keep pads, tennis shoes
spandex shorts, knee pads,tennis shoes and a team jersey
They would wear their uniform, which includes their jersey, spandex shorts, kneepads, long socks, volleyball shoes, and their hair tied up (IF required by coach).
By Olympic volleyball, you should be meaning beach volleyball. There is the Japan, Soviet Union, South Korea. Russia, Brazil, United States, and more than that.