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Okay I play Baseball because i started out good I'm not one of those kids who switch to Lacrosse and then suck, look i have respect for lax players but just the ones who are actually good and respect baseball for the sport that it is and how much actual skill it takes

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12y ago
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16y ago

Well it totally opinated but softball is probally safer then most lacrosse teams. But they are totally 2 completely different sports so the comparison isn't very fair. But my opinion would be lacrosse because there is more action and I play lacrosse not softball. I agree this is an opionionated answer but i like lacrosse because it is more fun (to me) to play but it is quite dangourous. 3 weeks ago i broke my arm playing lacrosse and i was out for the rest of the season.

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16y ago

Definitely hockey. Lacrosse may be Canada's official national sport, but hockey is definitely the most popular.

This is in terms of attendance at games, number of participants in the sport, and media coverage.

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15y ago

If you mean is it popular then not really, I love the sport but it is not something that has become as big as baseball, or football. If you mean why is it popular, because alot of people like hockey and lacrosse is like hockey only on a field. Also it is a quick game that requires a lot of stamina and quick thinking.

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14y ago

Lacrosse. With out a doubt. Best game in the world to play!

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13y ago

swimming is a harder traing sport. lax is horrible. Swimmers are more muscular and get more money. What is MLL. I cant even name one laxer, but i can name 50 swimmmers. Lax stinks

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12y ago

Baseball is much more popular. It's America's Pastime. Lacrosse is just running. Baseball takes 10x more skill, more mental, and more focus.

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What I think that softball is like a more action sport than lacrosse and in softball you do more movement in the field than lacrosse.

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Are there any famous people that have played lacrosse?

Jim brown Wayne gretzky joe sakic......lots of hockey players played lacrosse due to its popularity in Canada

Why is lacrosse not an Olympic Game?

Not enough countries play lacrosse nor are there enough governing federations associated with the International Lacrosse Federation for the International Olympic Committee to consider adding lacrosse to its list of sports. The popularity of lacrosse is growing ... at the start of 2010 there were 36 countries that were members of the Internation Lacrosse Federation. 40 countries are needed in an international federation before the International Olympic Committee will consider the sport for the Games. And after getting the 40 countries it is a minimun seven year wait before the sport will be added to the Games by the IOC. The IOC will probably add lacrosse to its list of sports in this decade and, possibly, add lacrosse to the Olympics in the 2020s.

Are lacrosse and field hockey major sports?

Field Hockey is reported to be the second largest participation team sport in the world after football (soccer) Lacrosse is a popular sport, most popular in North America where lacrosse is Canada's National Summer Sport, It has grown in popularity in the United States, becoming the fastest growing sport at the high school and NCAA levels.

Does new balance own warrior lacrosse and brine lacrosse?

New balance owns Warrior lacrosse and Warrior lacrosse owns Brine Lacrosse.

In what countries is lacrosse played?

World - International Lacrosse Federation/ International Federation of Women's Lacrosse Associations * Asia ** China - Beijing Lacrosse Development Committee (Chinese) ** Hong Kong - Hong Kong Lacrosse Association ** India - Indian National Lacrosse Federation ** Japan - Japanese Lacrosse Association (Japanese) ** Korea - Korean Lacrosse Association (Korean) * Europe - European Lacrosse Federation ** Austria - Austrian Lacrosse Association (German) ** Czech Republic - Czech Lacrosse Union (Czech) ** Denmark - Danish Lacrosse Federation ** England - English Lacrosse Association ** Finland - Finnish Lacrosse Association (Finnish) ** France - French Lacrosse Association (French) ** Germany - German Lacrosse Association (German) ** Ireland - Irish Lacrosse Foundation ** Italy - Italian Federation of Lacrosse (Italian) ** Latvia - Latvian Lacrosse Federation (Latvian) ** Netherlands - Dutch Lacrosse Association (Dutch) ** Norway - Norwegian Lacrosse (Norwegian) ** Poland - Poland Lacrosse (Polish) ** Scotland - Lacrosse Scotland ** Slovakia - Slovak Lacrosse Association (Slovak) ** Slovenia - Slovenian Lacrosse Association ** Switzerland - Swiss Lacrosse Federation ** Spain - Spanish Lacrosse Federation (Spanish) ** Sweden - Swedish Lacrosse Association (Swedish) ** Wales - Welsh Lacrosse Association * North America ** Bermuda - Bermuda Lacrosse Association ** Canada - Canadian Lacrosse Association ** Iroquois Confederacy - Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse ** Mexico - Mexico Lacrosse ** United States - US Lacrosse * Oceania ** Australia - Lacrosse Australia ** New Zealand - Lacrosse New Zealand * South America ** Argentina - Lacrosse Argentina (Spanish) From Wikipedia

How do you play division 2 lacrosse?

With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball

What did they use to play lacrosse?

To play girls lacrosse, you need lacrosse goggles,a girl's lacrosse stick, and a mouthguard.

What do you need to play lacrosse?

A lacrosse helmet, lacrosse gloves, lacrosse arm pads, lacrosse shoulder pads, a lacrosse stick, cletes with rounded spikes, a mouthguard, an athletic cup if you want, a lacrosse ball, and a wall to practice on. Go to to find most of that stuff

Why is lacrosse important to lacrosse?

Lacrosse is alot like hockey so during the summer all the hockey players switch to lacrosse

Where is the Lacrosse Branch Library in Lacrosse located?

The address of the Lacrosse Branch Library is: 107 S Main, Lacrosse, 99143 M

What games did the cheyennes play'?


What do lacrosse players play with?

a lacrosse stick.