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World - International Lacrosse Federation/ International Federation of Women's Lacrosse Associations * Asia ** China - Beijing Lacrosse Development Committee (Chinese) ** Hong Kong - Hong Kong Lacrosse Association ** India - Indian National Lacrosse Federation ** Japan - Japanese Lacrosse Association (Japanese) ** Korea - Korean Lacrosse Association (Korean) * Europe - European Lacrosse Federation ** Austria - Austrian Lacrosse Association (German) ** Czech Republic - Czech Lacrosse Union (Czech) ** Denmark - Danish Lacrosse Federation ** England - English Lacrosse Association ** Finland - Finnish Lacrosse Association (Finnish) ** France - French Lacrosse Association (French) ** Germany - German Lacrosse Association (German) ** Ireland - Irish Lacrosse Foundation ** Italy - Italian Federation of Lacrosse (Italian) ** Latvia - Latvian Lacrosse Federation (Latvian) ** Netherlands - Dutch Lacrosse Association (Dutch) ** Norway - Norwegian Lacrosse (Norwegian) ** Poland - Poland Lacrosse (Polish) ** Scotland - Lacrosse Scotland ** Slovakia - Slovak Lacrosse Association (Slovak) ** Slovenia - Slovenian Lacrosse Association ** Switzerland - Swiss Lacrosse Federation ** Spain - Spanish Lacrosse Federation (Spanish) ** Sweden - Swedish Lacrosse Association (Swedish) ** Wales - Welsh Lacrosse Association * North America ** Bermuda - Bermuda Lacrosse Association ** Canada - Canadian Lacrosse Association ** Iroquois Confederacy - Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse ** Mexico - Mexico Lacrosse ** United States - US Lacrosse * Oceania ** Australia - Lacrosse Australia ** New Zealand - Lacrosse New Zealand * South America ** Argentina - Lacrosse Argentina (Spanish) From Wikipedia

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Lacrosse is a mainly North American sport. It is mainly played in Canada and the United States. Lacrosse also has some variations such as box/indoor and outdoor.

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Related questions

How did lacrosse become popular?

Lacrosse was first played by Indians as war training. Later on, lacrosse started to be played on the East Coast. It then started spreading all over the U.S. and other countries.

Why is lacrosse not an olympic sport?

Because lacrosse is only played in America, not many countries are able to pay for all the equipment.

Is lacrosse playd anywhere around the world?

Lacrosse can be played in most countries but it is only really wide spread and common in the USA and Canada.

Where can lacrosse be played?

Lacrosse is usually played on Grass of Turf.

What did algonquins do for fun?

They played the forerunner of Lacrosse.

Did Canadians really lacrosse?

yes the Canadians played lacrosse.

What is lacrosse played with?

Lacrosse is played with a Stick and Multiple pads. Including, A helmet, shoulder pads, etc.

How often is lacrosse played?

Lacrosse is played very often. It is played in major leagues, colleges, high schools, and also in the Olympics.

What sports did Iroquois played?

they played lacrosse

Where is lacrosse most played?

Lacrosse is mostly played in the eastern area of the U.S but lacrosse will branch out and become a bigger sport in a few years.You play it on a field split in to 4 quarter's you will either play home and away just like football

What the children did?

played Lacrosse

Why is lacrosse not an Olympic Game?

Not enough countries play lacrosse nor are there enough governing federations associated with the International Lacrosse Federation for the International Olympic Committee to consider adding lacrosse to its list of sports. The popularity of lacrosse is growing ... at the start of 2010 there were 36 countries that were members of the Internation Lacrosse Federation. 40 countries are needed in an international federation before the International Olympic Committee will consider the sport for the Games. And after getting the 40 countries it is a minimun seven year wait before the sport will be added to the Games by the IOC. The IOC will probably add lacrosse to its list of sports in this decade and, possibly, add lacrosse to the Olympics in the 2020s.