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A volleyball court is a court where you play volleyball.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The area of a volleyball court is 1,800 ft.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Each side is 30 ft x 30 ft. The entire court is 30 ft x 60 ft. There is a dividing line in the middle, under the net. There is a line ten feet away from the net on both sides of the court.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

it is just a little smaller then a Basketball court

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is a sport in which 6 players have 3 chances to pass the ball back over the net to another team of 6

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βˆ™ 8y ago

A basketball court is a designated, usually concreted, area on which the game of basketball is played.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The court that you play volleyball on

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Related questions

What materials are needed in playing volleyball?

... a court,a volleyball,net and 2 stands.

What is the area of a volleyball playing field?

The size of the court and additional space around the court

What are the basic scales of the game volleyball?

the basic scals in playing volleyball is scoring,rotation,basic violations,the court

Can a player run outside his own court when playing volleyball?


How did Jimmy get a new picture of Martha playing volleyball?

Jimmy got a new picture of Martha playing volleyball by hiding in the bushes behind the volleyball court. Martha was not happy that he did that as she did not want her picture to be taken.

How many players should be on the court in volleyball?

6 people i think because I'm playing volleyball in gym and we played in with 6 people

How many players on a volley ball court in the original game?

6 players are on the volleyball court, when playing an Original Game

All equipment needed for volleyball?

for the court you need, a net, volleyball and poles. you should have knee pads and socks and athletic shoes if your playing indoor.

When playing with 4 people on a volleyball court can 3 of those players be front row positions?

Playing with four people is not regulation volleyball so you can really set it up however you want.

How many volleyball players can on a volleyball court?

On a normal volleyball court: 6 players beach volleyball: 2 players

How many player play in volleyball?

Well if you are talking about playing,, then 6 players play on the court at one time

Is beach volleyball and volleyball different?

Yes, Beach Volleyball is always played on a beach or a sand court, whereas Indoor Volleyball must always be played inside on a floor. But they both have the same rules in Volleyball it's just the court that is different. In terms of difficulty, a Beach court is much more harder than a indoor court. It is harder on a Beach court because the sand weighs you down when you are running and jumping, and the wind plays a very big role when it comes to playing Beach Volleyball. Whereas Indoor Volleyball is safe from the elements and the floor is solid so you can run easily and jump higher than on a Beach court.