the basic scals in playing volleyball is scoring,rotation,basic violations,the court
You can find more information about the women's volleyball competitions and game on the womenssportsinformation website. This website tells you about basic requirements to play the game aswell as links you to other websites concerning the sport.
Beach Volleyball is sometimes referred to as the Sand game. This is now an Olympic sport played by two teams of two players on sand court divided by a net. The basic rules are the same as in indoor volleyball.
The game of volleyball goes up to 15 points.
A match in volleyball is a game to 25 but before it was a game to 15.
A Volleyball Player?
Volleyball Tennis
yes they have Olympics game in volleyball
The winner of a volleyball game is the one who beats the other team by at least 2 points.
Have a basic idea of how to play volleyball. The objective is toServe the ballReturn the ballDon't let the ball hit the ground on your sideDon't hit a ball that is out of boundsAnd the like. Some simple rules will come naturally.source:
volleyball is a shi**y game period
Mintonette is the first name of the volleyball...afterwards a man noticed the game and called it volleyball (originally spelled as Volley ball)...