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Q: What is the penalty for a knock on?
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In golf if you take your stnce against a tree bush and knock some leafs of do you incur a penalty?

The key thing is, if you are playing a stroke and hit the tree then continue your swing and hit the ball then there is no penalty. If you are taking a practice swing and knock a leaf off then one shot penalty.

Is it illegal to knock someones stick out of there hand well playing hockey?

Yes it is, if you do you will either get a slashing penalty or a holding the stick penalty

A penalty in show jumping is called a?

a fault 4 fault for a knock down/refusal

If your golf ball falls off the tee can you replace it without a penalty?

Yes, this is allowed under no penalty. Even if you knock the ball off the tee accidentally with your club there is no penalty, it can simply be replaced on the tee.

Who did Australia play in their final group match of the 2006 World Cup?

It was Italy, where they Italy cheated and got a penalty to knock Australia out.

Can you play a rugby ball forward with your hand?

no its classed as a "knock on" and a scrum to the opposing team is given If the ball is deliberately knocked forward then a referee can issue a penalty

Can a Tumbleweed knock golf ball in hole?

Where do you play golf? The wild west. If a ball at rest is moved by the tumble weed, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced. If the ball is moving and the tumble weed hits it, there is again no penalty but you must play the ball as it lies.

If you are putting and the flag is removed but laid on the ground and your putt then strikes the flag and you reach for the flag and again knock your ball where is the next putt from and what penalty?

If you are putting from on the green you receive a two shot penalty in strokeplay or loss of the hole in matchplay. In stroke play the ball has to be played as it lies.

What is the secret knock of the sleepover club?

The secret knock is knock knock, knock knock knock knock

On which episode of The Big Bang Theory did Sheldon first make his signature knock on Penny's door?

The first occurrence of the multiple repeated knocks appears in Series 1 Episode 10 - The Loobenfeld Decay:Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Leonard, (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Leonard, (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Leonard...Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Penny, (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Penny, (Knock, knock, knock, knock)Penny, (door opens) Good morning.

How do you say the knock knock joke about the banana?

Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock. Who's there? Orange Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Make a tongue twister for the word knock?

knock knock knock sock of ock ock ock my clock clock clock is taping for the knock knock knock