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Q: What is the name of a hit when the ball is contacted with the fingertips above the head?
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You can hold the ball above your head at any time in the match with both hands.

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How do you bump the ball in volley ball?

A bump is often used to receive a hard serve, or a ball that is too low to pass on above your head, and is one of the basic skills to master in Volleyball. The precision is not the best, so to prepare an attack (with a spike) i.e. to "set", en overhand pass i preferred, with the fingertips. To bump you put your hands together, thumb to thumb, closing one fist on the other to form a "ball". Then the incoming ball is hit from below with a distinct impact, and may gain high velocity.

What does underhand and overhand mean in volleyball?

Underhand is where your hit the ball by reaching forward underneath it. Overhand is where you hit the ball above your head. Which one you use would have to depend on where you are relative to the ball. If it is above your head, you will have to use overhand (maybe you will have to jump), while if the ball is going to hit the ground in front of you, you will have to use the underhand hit (and you may have to dive for it).

Should the ball be above your head when you shoot a free throw?

it improves your shot but you dont have too

What would a sports person hold above their head?

trophies weights basket ball tennis racket

In volley ball who is the person who is by the net?

Well it would either be the setter (she passes the ball up with her hands above her head) or the hitters (they receive the set and hit the ball on the other side)

How do you put the soccer ball on your neck?

you have to start by juggling with the ball on your foot, knee, or head. Then eventually you flick the ball up in the air (a couple inches above you head). Then you try and catch/settle the ball with your neck. Simple technique but hard trick.