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1 point guard 2 wings and 2 posts

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10 for both teams combined

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Q: What is the minimum amount of players on a basketball court at a time?
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Related questions

How many players on the basketball court for each game?

5 players are on the court at a time. 2 guards 2 fowards 1 center. Its called a game not a match.

How many members on basketball team?

5 on the court at one time, but more on the benchThere must be a minimum of 10 players on a team and a maximum of 15 players in the NBA.

What do you call where you play basketball?

Basketball players.

How high is the required clear space on a basketball court?

The minimum required clear space on a basketball court depends on which kind of court it is. An NCAA court has a minimum of 25', while a recreational facility's minimum is 20'.

How many players make up a lineup in basketball?

9 is the minimum number of players on a baseball team the major leagues have more though

How many are on a court in basketball?

10 players

How many players were on a basketball court in 1892 when it was invented?

five players

Sketch of a basketball court with the players and there rule in the court?


How many basketball player each side?

In a full scale game of basketball, each team can only have 5 players on the court at a time. During the regular season of the NBA, the minimum amount of players that can be on a team is 13 and the maximum is 15.

Are basketball players allowed in every space in a basketball court?

yes, just not out of bounds..... so the answer is yes if there on the court

How many player on court basketball?

While 18 basketball players can fit on a court, only 5 players from each team are allowed on a court at one time, meaning 10 players are on the court at any given moment.

How much players are on the court in basketball?

There are 13-15 people on a court at once.