The lightest Football cleats right noctuaw on the market in the year 2009 is ally the Adidas Scorch Competition, claims they weigh 9.0 ounces which much less than the Nike Vapor 4.2 which many people think is the lightest shoe. The cleat in general is the Nike Mercurial Vapor V FG which is 8.4 ounces, its a soccer cleat and lightest cleat on the market there is not much foot support though.
Adidas has also will be releasing their F50 adizero's May 24th, 2010 and are supposed to be only 5.8 oz...much lighter than the Nike's but I don't know how the foot support is in this one, but from the sounds of it, can't be much worst than the Mercurial Vapor's.
The lightest are the Adidas Scorch line but they suck. You want to use Nike Vapor Jet 4.2 Or Nike Carbon Vapor Fly. If you want even lighter cleats that are under 8 ounces and are still good. Use Nike Mercurial Vapor Soccer Cleats. But be ready for your foot to hurt i you get stepped on by metal cleats. ONLY USE NIKE CLEATS!!!
the lightest football cleat is nike vapor jett
the worlds fastest (lightest) cleat is the F50s by adidas
The Gs soccer clear.
The addidas scorch low cut with plastic cleats my son-who wears an adult size 10-is a wide receiver and a lacrosse middie-has worn these for a couple years. absolutely loves them. weigh 9 ounces-the lightest weight football/lacrosse cleat on the market. there are lighter ones for soccer, but with little foot support. the scorch competion has plenty of support. Adidas is coming out with a new cleat later this month-5.8 ounces-no idea about the foot support. it's called the Adidas F50 adizero.
cleatsa football player wears a cleat, but not a soccer cleat. There is a differencefootball trainers when playing football!
You wear cleat's.
addios zeros
Nike is by far the one with the most swag
No toe cleat on the soccer boot
So far from what I've seen, Addidas' Scorch series are the lightest. I bought a pair about 3 years ago and I loved them. They do fit a bit tight width-wise but they're very light and detachable cleats are always the way to go.
xenith x1