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The libero always wears a different jersey! They are always back row and they always get the deep balls.They have to have a lot of control because they usually hit it when the other team spikes the ball deep (so they have to get it to their setter) and she/he gets it when someone else on their team shanks it. They usually get most of the serves. They have to be a good judge of whether the ball is out or not from the other team.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The libero specializes in defense. They wear a different color jersey than the rest of the team and they cannot rotate to the front row. Usually the libero will go in for the middle blocker on the black row.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A libero is a back row positioned player that is normally your best passer on the team. The Libero can be subbed in to the game without having to do a rotation with the umpire. The libero also wears a different jersey than his/her teamates to indicate that he/she is libero.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

the libero is the defensive specialist for the team. she wears a different color jersey and is only allowed to play in the back row

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A libero is a player who only plays middle back row in a game. They cover the whole back part of the court.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

they are the best passers on the team, usally small and fast. they sweep the back of the court to get the ball to the setter

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βˆ™ 12y ago

He/She is the person who swaps places with the middle when at the net and is usually the best digger and passer in the team.

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Q: What is the job of the libero in volleyball?
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What is a libero's job in volleyball?

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Does the libero wear a different color top?

The Libero in Volleyball is like a GoalKeeper in Soccer, The Libero is the most skilled defender in Volleyball. And in the rules of volleyball the Libero must wear a contrasting outfit to the team

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Yes, the libero can set. However the libero may not block, attempt to block, or serve.

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In volleyball is there always a libero?

There is not always a libero. It is the coaches decision to have or not to have a libero, just like it is his or her choice to field any other position on the team.

What are the girls who wear different color jerseys on the volleyball team?

She is the Libero (sp?) She plays only plays back row.

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