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Defenders are suppose to help make sure the other team's attackmen don't shoot.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

every position except attack defends the goal but its the goalies main job to make sure the ball does not enter the net

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Q: What is the job of the defense in lacrosse?
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What are the 4 positions of Lacrosse?

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Do defense lacrosse players get scholarships?

Yes I have a friend that plays lacrosse and he got a scholarship to colledge through lacrosse, and because lacrosse isn't as popular as football, soccer, baseball etc. then you should be able to get a scholarship easier.

What is a coverpoint in lacrosse?

A coverpoint is the secondary defense player, second closest to the goal.

What are the postions for lacrosse?

You've got Midfield, Attack ( Which is what i play), Defense, and Goalie.

What is lacrosse mesh?

Lacrosse mesh is the stringing in the head. they come in a variety of colors and patterns. there are also specific ways to string your head for attack, midi, and defense.

How long is a mens lacrosse shaft?

it depends if youre on defense or attack and midfielder

What does a middle do in lacrosse?

A middie in lacrosse plays both sides of the field, they can go on both sides , they play offence when their team was the ball and defense when the other team has the ball

How long is a lacrosse defense shaft?

the shaft itself is 60" long. With a head attached it is 6ft.

What is the job of defense?

The defense's job is to defend there client by pocking holes in the prosecution's case.

What types of girls Lacrosse heads are good with the Harrow Groove as a defense player?

stx stallion sc

In lacrosse what is a midfielder?

A midfielder is a player who plays both offense and defense with an attack shaft and may play on both sides of the lacrosse field as long as there are only 5 other players on the same team on the same half of the field (excluding the goalie).