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it depends if youre on defense or attack and midfielder

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Mid/Attack: 30"

Goalie: 40"

Defense: 60"

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Q: How long is a mens lacrosse shaft?
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Can you use a womans lacrosse shaft in mens lacrosse?

no u cannot the ref will yell at u

How long is a lacrosse defense shaft?

the shaft itself is 60" long. With a head attached it is 6ft.

What is the worst lacrosse shaft?

the stx amp is the worst lacrosse shaft

Is mens lacrosse same as boys lacrosse?

For equipment Yes

What is the govering body of mens lacrosse?

Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL)

How long does a attack men lacrosse stick have to be?

The shaft alone minimum is 30 Inches and the Head + Shaft minimum is 40 inches!

Can a lacrosse defensive shaft be shorter than 6 feet?

Yes, in men's lacrosse only two of the defensive shafts are long pole

Why wont my Evo 3 lacrosse head fit any shafts What do I do?

it will fit on shafts make sure the shaft is mens and it's a little harder to put on a crank shaft. if this is a real problem take it to the nearest lacrosse store and ask them why and if i burned out of shape go to where you bought it and see if you have a warranty (most heads do)

What are the lacrosse sizes?

If by "What are the lacrosse sizes?" you mean what the different lengths of lacrosse shafts are I can help you. There are three basic lengths of shafts, A 60" shaft for defensive players or long stick midis. There is a 30" shaft for midis and attack men. There is also a 40" shaft for goalies. However, all goalies don't the 40" shaft some (including me) use a 30" shaft (it's mostly a preference thing.)

What season does mens lacrosse play?


Where can you find a cheap 6 foot lacrosse shaft?

STX AL6000 Attack Lacrosse Shaft price: $14.95

Is the stx katana lacrosse shaft better or the maverick Phoenix lacrosse shaft?

The maverick phoenix is the better shaft it has the hights strength to weight ratio and has an amazing grip