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the goal is 10 feet high

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

10 foot

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Q: What is the height of the back board bottom line to ground?
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Height of the back board from the floor?

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An object thrown vertically up wards from the ground returned back to the ground in 6s after it was thown up if it reached a height of 12m calculate?

How To Jump On A skateborde?

Take your back foot and slam it on the ground, then when your tail hits the ground, slide your front foot to the curve in the board.

What is height width dept means?

Height - is the distance from the ground to the top of an object... width is the distance across the widest part... and depth is the measurement from front to back.

What is the height of a whitetail deer from stomach to shoulder?

17.5" ...most long-range hunters round up to 18". Height from ground to top of back is 36".

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When a ball is dropped and bounces back to its original height what kind of collision is happening between the ball and the ground?

When a ball is dropped and bounces back to its original height, it is experiencing an elastic collision with the ground. In an elastic collision, both kinetic energy and momentum are conserved.

What is pop in skateboarding?

when you hit the back of the board how high it goes

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How can you get traction back on your basketball shoes?

I like to just rub them on the ground. but you can lick your hand and wipe the bottoms of them. or try cleaning the bottom/

How do you pop shuvit?

You put your front foot half way up the board and you back foot on the tail. You pop the tail (slam it to the ground) while spinning the board. Right after you pop it jump of the board so it can spin under you. When it has spun 180 degrees shoot your feet out and land on the board