I like to just rub them on the ground. but you can lick your hand and wipe the bottoms of them. or try cleaning the bottom/
Everything has traction.
NO! if you wear them outside, they lose traction so if you try to turn on a basketball floor, you slide ALOT
The kind of shoes you should wear for basketball are basketball shoes.
If you are referring to Kobe shoes then yes they are basketball shoes they are some of the best basketball shoes in the NBA today
Yes, they have special shoes made just for playing basketball, and they are appropriately named 'basketball shoes'.
I think you have basketball shoes by the type of brand.
how have basketball shoes change ove the years
No, basketball shoes do not make you jump higher. They are meant to keep your ankles safe from the constant changing of direction that occurs in basketball. Some shoes may claim to help you jump higher, but that is just a way for them to sell shoes. If you want to jump higher, there are plenty of drills you can find by searching Google that will help improve your jumping specifically for basketball.
Tennis shoes are typically flat soled shoed that are ideal for getting traction on pavement, concrete or clay. Basketball sneakers are usually arched and have springier soles, due to the fact that basketball players need vertical leaps.
The lightest shoes for kids is Geco or the ones with a z like on the back if not then go to VaunghMills in foot locker.
Hi! His basketball shoes are Supras