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Skaters from the opposing team are NOT allowed in the goalie crease. Players from the same team as the goalie can be in there. They can not, however, freeze or lay on top of the puck. If they do so, it is a penalty.

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10y ago

no you can not go in the crease on the goalie side

what kind of dumb question is that

Yes, any player of either team CAN step into the crease. You can score and pass from inside the crease as well. However, you cannot walk into the crease while you have the ball (meaning you can pass the ball to someone who's inside the crease, and you can walk into the crease while you do not have the ball). The guy who called this a 'dumb question' must be pretty dumb himself.

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13y ago

It dictates the area in which the goalie should have complete freedom of movement and is the goalie's area.

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Q: What is the goalie crease in hockey for?
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Where is the goalie box in hockey arena?

The Goalie box does not exist. If you are talking about the Goalie Crease, it is a semi-circle in front of the net that is considered the goalie's area and other players are not to invade that area.

What is the goalie area called in hockey?

This is known as the "crease". Different rules apply to this area of the ice and it has been a controversial topic in many games.

Is there such a thing as a goalie crease in a sport?

Yes. In the sport of ice hockey there's a goalie crease. It's a small area just in front of the net, which allows the goaltender to move and/or handle the puck without interference.

What happens when one of your teammates steps in your own goalie's crease in hockey?

It's never a good idea to step in the goalie's crease, even if it's our own goalie. Goalies need their space to maneuver and make saves. In some places, refs might call penalties for invading the crease, but most refs won't, especially if it's your own goalie.

In hockey if the netminder has been pulled and a player stops the puck from going in by closing his hand on the puck in the crease?

If this happens................ The player can touch the puck with his hand in the defesive zone, but if he does close his hand on the puck in the crease than a goal can be awarded if there is no goalie If there is a goalie then the other team can have a penalty shot.

What is a parallelogram used for in sports?

not sure if any sport uses parallelograms but hockey (in the NHL that is) has a trapezoid shape behind the nets, which is part of the goalie's crease.

What is Ken Danby's most famous painting?

At the Crease, 1972, an iconic and widely reproduced work in Canada, portraying a masked hockey goalie defending his net.

Who is the best hockey goalie ever?

the best goalie in hockey is Roberto luongo

What is the goalie crease and how big is it in lacrosse?

The goalie crease is the circle around the goal that I believe has a diameter of 9 feet for men and 8.5 feet for women. In men's lacrosse a goalie and the defenders of that same team can go in the crease and in women's only the goalie is allowed inside the crease. In women's if a defender steps into the crease then the game is stopped and a girl from the other team is given an 8 meter arch penalty shot, if someone on the offense of the other team steps into the goal the ball is given to the goalie and everyone must be a certain distance away to allow the goalie to clear the ball. Also with women's if an offensive player that is shooting the ball steps into the crease then the goal is not counted and the ball is given to the goalie.

What does clamping mean in the game lacrosse?

If your a goalie when the ball is near the crease the goalie should clamp on it and bring it in the crease so its not putting it in the stick the stick is upside down

What are the little lines in a NHL goalie crease?

The goal line

What are the dimensions the goalie crease?

In amateur and international hockey, the goal crease is a half circle with radius of 6 ft (1.8 m). In the NHL and North American professional leagues, this goal crease is truncated by straight lines extending from the goal line 1 ft (30.5 cm) outside each goal post.