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They glean and forage throughout trees for insects. They also make short flights to catch insects. They sing and call in a loud, flurty whistle. They come into to people's yards and sip nectar from bird feeders. They are also known to eat Oranges and grape jelly that humans let out. They live in the Eastern United States in the summer and in Mexico, Central America, and South America. They breed in woodland edges and open areas with scattered deciduous trees. They wove a gourd shaped nest out of hair, plant fiber's, and synthetic fibers. They lay three to seven pale grayish-white eggs streaked and blotched with dark lines. These eggs hatch in 11 to 14 days. The chicks are born helpless and flege 11 to 14 days later. They eat insects, Spiders, fruits, nectar, grape jelly, caterpillars, berries, and eat from humming bird feeders. They love anything orange.

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