Mintonette is the first name of the volleyball...afterwards a man noticed the game and called it volleyball (originally spelled as Volley ball)...
the former name of volleyball is called "Mintonette" , it was just change when Dr. Alfred S. Halstead suggested to change the name of the game to "Volleyball" in 1932. It's first olympic game hall in Tokyo, Japan. editor -Aimee Gillespie writer- Maddie Finn
the old name of the volleyball is mintonette. the name volleyball was requested by an audience ( i will not include his name )
Volleyball was first played in 1896.
Sand volleyball, or outdoor volleyball
A Volleyball Player?
the original name for volleyball.
Volleyball Tennis
Mintonette. Volleyball was also created in 1895 by William G. Morgan.
The first person to play volleyball was William Morgan, and his daughters.
In 1895, volleyball was first invented.