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The furthest a soccer ball has been kicked is 80 meters or 262.46 feet!!!

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Q: What is the farthest distance a soccer ball has been kicked?
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Does the distance kicked of a soccer ball depend on what power you kick with?


Will the pressure in a soccer ball affect the distance it travels when kicked?

Yes, it depends how hard or soft you kick the soccer ball

What air pressure allows it to be kicked farthest?

You need to be more specific. What do you mean by "it"? A soccer ball, a beach ball, a hot air balloon?

What size soccer ball travels farthest?

A size 5 soccer ball, the standard size used in professional matches, typically travels the farthest due to its weight and aerodynamics. Smaller sizes may have better accuracy but are less likely to travel as far when kicked.

What happens to a soccer ball if it is kicked below the centre?

Generally, a soccer ball kicked below the center will go upward.

Which soccerball is the farthest?

the PVC soccer ball can go the farthest

What is the effect on inflation pressure on the distance a soccer ball can be kicked?

Yes because it matters how much air it has. the more air the more distance.

How is a soccer ball kicked?

A soccer ball is kicked by using your foot like a golf club and swinging it.....not the best description but it helps, right?

What are synonyms of soccer ball?

a futbol ball or a sphere that can be kicked

How did they play soccer?

they kicked the ball into the net

Which sport is the ball mostly kicked?

A soccer ball is mostly kicked or sometimes football or flag football