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The difference is that Baseball cleats are heavier and most ive seen have metal. Lacrosse cleats are shorter, better, and lighter than baseball cleats. Lacrosse cleats are a mix between soccer and football cleats. And it feels o so right.

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16y ago

they say there is so there must be but there almost exactly the same some its not really worth buying lacrosse cleats if you already have football cleats

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13y ago

In lacrosse the cleats go up higher on your ankle unlike in soccer it stops at the round part of the side of your foot

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Q: What is the difference between lacrosse cleats and baseball cleats?
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Is there a difference between soccer and lacrosse cleats?

no i play lacrosse and wear soccer cleats

What is the difference between soccer cleats and baseball cleats?

Baseball cleats have toes and soccer cleats don't

Are baseball cleats the same as football cleats?

No there is a difference between baseball cleats and football cleats. Football cleats are used for traction and are screw in type, where as baseball cleats are not they are put there for keeps they also are longer in size. here is a site that explains what I am saying but better

Can you use baseball cleats for lax?

No, they will tear up the grass on the Lacrosse field. Generally Soccer cleats are used when playing Lacrosse.

What type of cleats do you wear in lacrosse?

There are two ways to fix this problem: 1) Specially designed cleats for lacrosse only, such a warrior's burn 2.0. Even though there is a limited amount of lacrosse cleats, big companies are coming out with cleats specially for lacrosse. Such as the new Nike talons. 2) Use football cleats specially made for turf, grass, etc. They are not made for lacrosse, but as in football, they are light, good for cutting, and have good protection for your ankles.

Can you use lacrosse cleats for soccer?

No but American football cleats can be used for lacrosse

Is there a difference between Softball baseball cleats?

Softball cleats are made in girls sizes and for girls feet. Baseball cleats are made in boys sizes and for boys feet. Other than that, there isn't much of a difference. Softball Players can wear Baseball cleats, and baseball can wear softball cleats. you would just need to look up a convesrion online. I wear a 7.5 in my womens softball cleats, but when i wear my mens baseball cleats im a size 6.

Can you wear metal baseball cleats to play lacrosse?

No, because you can get a technical penalty if the refs ask to see your cleats and you wont be able to play until you can get a different pair of cleats.

Do you need cleats to play girls lacrosse?

Yes it is very helpful to have cleats n girls lacrosse.

Are softball cleats and baseball cleats difference?

There is no difference. The only difference there MIGHT be is the bottom of the cleat. You can have METAL or MOLDED cleats. There are softball cleats that are metal but the majority of the time the baseball cleats TEND TO BE metal and softball cleats TEND TO BE molded. BUT, metal cleats are allowed in softball, made for softball, AND VISE VERSA. SO IT REALLY WOULDN'T MATTER WHAT CLEATS YOU BOUGHT.

Why is there a difference between soccer cleats and baseball cleats?

All styles of cleats are different depending on brand and preference. The main difference between soccer cleats and cleats for baseball is a "toe spike". Baseball cleats have a spike at the front of the foot, where the toes are to provide traction when taking off running in dirt, whereas, soccer cleats do not have this toe spike, because it would be hard to kick a ball off the ground properly without it getting stuck in the ground. Also soccer cleats are usually more "form fitting" or will have a more sleek and tighter feel to them since you play soccer with your feet, this allows for maximum feeling of control

What kind of shoes are use in lacrosse?

A lacrosse shoe is very similar to a football cleat, but has a different cleat shape to promote speed. They are often lighter than other types of cleats.