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No, because you can get a technical penalty if the refs ask to see your cleats and you wont be able to play until you can get a different pair of cleats.

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Q: Can you wear metal baseball cleats to play lacrosse?
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Do you need cleats to play girls lacrosse?

Yes it is very helpful to have cleats n girls lacrosse.

Is there a difference between soccer and lacrosse cleats?

no i play lacrosse and wear soccer cleats

Do you have to have certain softball shoes for softball?

Depending on what type of field you play on, you can either wear cleats of turf shoes. Cleats are the most common type of softball shoe. There are both rubber cleats and metal cleats, but most leagues do not allow you to wear metal cleats.

What do you play lacrosse with?

the main equipment is a shaft, attached to a head, a helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, and elbow pads... oh and cleats

Why is there a difference between soccer cleats and baseball cleats?

All styles of cleats are different depending on brand and preference. The main difference between soccer cleats and cleats for baseball is a "toe spike". Baseball cleats have a spike at the front of the foot, where the toes are to provide traction when taking off running in dirt, whereas, soccer cleats do not have this toe spike, because it would be hard to kick a ball off the ground properly without it getting stuck in the ground. Also soccer cleats are usually more "form fitting" or will have a more sleek and tighter feel to them since you play soccer with your feet, this allows for maximum feeling of control

What equiment do you need to play Lacrosse?

AnswerFor men's lacrosse the necessary equipment is a stick, gloves, shoulderpads, a helmet, arm pads, and a protective cup. Additionally, cleats may or may not be worn, generally soccer or football cleats, and some players choose to wear rib padding.

Cleats for paintball?

im a d3 paintball player and i have used all types of cleats. what i have found to be the best is baseball cleats with the hard rubber bottoms, not the metal spikes or plastic spikes. get them in mid not low. but you will easily be able to play outdoor and very well indoor or on turf. but you will not be able to play good on turf with others. also, do not use boots.

Can you play baseball and lacrosse in high school?

At my high school we couldn't play two sports at once, but you should play Lacrosse, its more fun

What kind of shoes do you wear in box lacrosse?

In box lacrosse you should wear a basketball shoe because they have great ankle support compared to a running shoe. Basketball shoes are also good because of the grip, they have more sole to surface contact than a running shoe making you able to pivot, turn, and shift easily and without slipping.

Tips for Finding Baseball Cleats and Protective Footwear for Children?

Sporting seasons involve a variety of equipment needs for kids, and proper footwear is extremely important. Depending on the sport, the wrong footwear can lead to injuries, and age appropriate footwear is important in protecting children from getting hurt. Baseball cleats differ from soccer cleats when you are shopping for footwear, and it's important to know your child's league requirements in order to make sure that you select the right apparel. Young children playing soccer may be able to wear sneakers instead of cleats. The youngest soccer players are often learning very simple skills, and the digging nature of cleats is of little importance. However, most small children love the opportunity to wear sports apparel, so a pair of soccer cleats is actually not a bad investment. It is important to recognize that your child will outgrow a pair of cleats from one season to the next, so it's not necessary to go overboard with expensive selections. If you have other children that will play soccer, it's great to save cleats to pass on to the next youngster. On the other hand, if you won't need them after the season, it's always beneficial to pass a pair of cleats in good shape on to another family. Baseball cleats differ slightly from soccer cleats for younger children in that there is a toe cleat on baseball models whereas this is missing from soccer models. Baseball cleats are a bit more important in the baseball setting, though small children will not play as hard or run as fast as older children. Older boys, those playing in their teen years, often wear metal cleats. The sound is really interesting and attracts the attention of youngsters, but metal style baseball cleats can be dangerous for these youngsters and aren't designed for their use. Your older child may be interested in metal cleats, but unless they are required, it's better to leave them until later years. Metal cleats tend to be more expensive, and for newcomers to wearing metal baseball cleats, there is the potential for injury in the midst of a slide or in a collision. Given the expense of metal cleats and the rate at which teenage boys grow, it's a better financial choice to wait on purchasing them until they play in an age group that expressly requires this gear. As in the case of all protective gear for sports, good care is important for keeping cleats safe. Replace worn or broken laces and check your child's fit throughout the season. Baseball season and soccer season are both exciting times, and keeping your child safe from injury will assure your enjoyment of either season.

Is it feasible to wear football cleats for playing softball and what are the pros and cons and differences?

You can wear football cleats for softball/baseball. They will not perform as well though. Depending on your level of play this may not mean much...less than a tenth of a second in a 90' base path. You CAN NOT wear softball/baseball cleats in most other sports. Baseball cleats are normally flat and metal. They also have a "toe" cleat that works well in loose dirt. This toe cleat can cause injuries in sports like soccer, and is why they are normally banned. Most kids wear football or soccer cleats for all sports due to their interchangability and the cost of buying multiple cleats. Good football cleats often have interchangable cleats, for different field conditions.

Can you were soccer shoes for baseball?

Baseball and soccer cleats are quite different because they are designed for different purposes. Soccer cleats are designed for grip exclusively on turf since the soccer pitch is entirely covered in turf, but baseball cleats are designed to give the player maximum grip on the dirt basepaths, which is why baseball cleats will sometimes perform poorly for outfielders, especially on wet turf. Soccer cleats are round while baseball cleats are (generally) rectangular, and both have blunt bottoms. Certain soccer boots allow the owner to change out the cleats as they wear, but I have never seen baseball shoes with replaceable cleats. The biggest difference however is that baseball cleats may be made of metal but soccer cleats never can. If you've ever wondered why soccer players kneel down while the referee walks behind them before a match, it is so he can see that all cleats are legal. In both sports it is illegal to sharpen cleats into spikes.