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in guys you hit each other and in girls you can ONLY hit the stick 21:07, 8 Jun 2009 (UTC)unknown`User:, 8 Jun 2009 (UTC)<3=]

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

the main difference that most people can tell is the different equpiment..

boys=should pads, arms pads, helmet, mouth guard, gloves

girls= eye goggles, mouth guard

In girls Lacrosse there is whats known as the "arc" lik the 8 ..its an arc around the goal used for penality shots

in boys lacrosse they are allowed to hit each other there are ruled on what kind of hits, as for girls you can only hit one another sticks when its not too close to their head

in girls lacrosse, the pocket of the stick is very small, almost no pocket at all, to make up for the fact that there is no hitting. This allows the ball to be knockked out of the stick much more easily

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