

Should a 7th grade girl play eighth grade boys lacrosse?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Unfortunately not. Girls Lacrosse is almost a completely different sport compared to boys lacrosse. Not only will you be physically unable to play boys lacrosse, they will not allow it. Sorry

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Q: Should a 7th grade girl play eighth grade boys lacrosse?
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No, I'm sorry. Back when I was in 6th grade I wished it was true. Only boys can have girlfreinds in 7th and 8th grade, you have to wait till your in 7th or 8th grade to have a boyfiend 2 to 3 years older.

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It depends. I'm an 8th Grade girl, and I find it cute when boys strike up conversations and compliment us. If I were you, I would just try not to get on her bad side and let her know that you like her, but it all really depends on if she's already a friend or not.

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They wear pads in lacrosse because they could get hurt.

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100 yards