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A first baseman's glove is larger and it has more padding that a fielder's glove. This is to get the most reach possible to catch wild throws. The padding is because the fielders are throwing the ball as hard as they can so that they can get the ball to first base before the batter reaches the base.

Note: Gloves are used by for Fielders - Pitchers, Infielders, Outfielders because they have fingers like a glove. Mitts are used by Catchers and First Baseman positions because they don't have fingers, like mittens.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

First basemen mitts are typically larger than an infield glove pattern. Infield gloves are 11 inches - 12 inches depending on position. Typically, second basemen use 11-11 1/2, shortstops use 11 1/4- 11 3/4, and third basemen use 11 1/2- 12. Most first basemen mitts start at 12 inches and go up the 12 1/2 inches or even 13 inches. They also have a rounded off leading edge on the pinky side the help scoop the ball on bad throws from infielders. Because they don't have individual finger stalls like a regular fielders glove, they are referred to as mitts.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

If you play outfield you typicaly want a bigger web so when you see gloves that say outfield they're bigger than infield gloves. An infield glove might be 9''-11'' where as an outfield glove would be 11.5''-13''

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Outfielder's gloves generally are a little bit longer and have deeper pockets for snagging those fly balls. Infielder's gloves typically are a little wider for snaring ground balls.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Fast pitch and Baseball are the same. A softball glove is different.

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Q: What is the difference between a first base mitt and fielders glove?
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Gloves are used by for Fielders - Pitchers, Infielders, Outfielders because they have fingers like a glove. Mitts are used by Catchers and First Baseman positions because they don't have fingers, like mittens. The Coach - Information, Reviews and Rankings for over 50 Fastpitch Softball Gloves

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It all depends on the kind of glove. First base gloves are much bigger than a fielder's glove. Most fielders use a 12" or 13".

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It depends on the player. All players like a different feel for their glove so there is no standard.

What is difference between softball mitt and softball glove?

A glove has 5 finger slots in it to place your fingers. A mitt has two slots to place your fingers, one for the thumb and a larger area for your other four fingers. Gloves are used by for Fielders,Pitchers, Infielders, Outfielders. Mitts are used by Catchers and First Basemen.

If the ball hits the glove when it should have been caught is it a home run?

If the baseball hits the fielders glove, then goes over the wall on a fly in fair territory, it is a home run.

Is the rawlings longhorn fastback dark brown series glove a softball glove?

No, the glove is intended for baseball, by fielders and pitchers who want a little longer glove for scooping up balls. It can be used for softball, bit does not have a larger pocket that would make a strictly softball glove better.

What if any difference is there between a baseball glove and a baseball mitt. Is it just a different way to say the same thing?

The two terms (glove, mitt) are interchangable but actually define two different types of defensive equipment. The word 'mitt' is short for mitten. When thinking about cold weather gear, mittens don't have individual areas for fingers as do gloves. Therefore, the catcher and the first baseman are the two fielders that wear mitts while all others wear gloves.

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The difference between a latex and a neoprine surgical glove is the material there made from. So people are allergic to latex so they made neoprine for those peoples needs.

What is a pitchers glove?

A pitcher glove, short stop, 2nd base, 3rd base and outfielders are usally all the same. 1st base and catcher are the only people who shouldn't use a "fielders glove" as most players call it.