As long there is any time left, even .01 seconds, on the clock and the ball has already left your hands the basket will count.
The shot clock was introduced to the NBA for two main reasons. It was invented to prevent either team from stalling and to make the game faster.
The NBA video game to me is NBA 2k10
There is a 24 second shot clock in the NBA.
The game of the NBA can never be tied. That's why they have the OT(Over Time).
we have no idea sorry.
The game clock counts down the time of the entirety of the game. The play clock counts down to the point requiring a play to begin.
The NFL Play Clock is 35 seconds. The NBA Shot Clock is 24 seconds.
There is no clock in firered in fact time doesn't pass in that game.
Answer1954: The NBA adopts the shot clock. A team must attempt a shot within 24 seconds or lose possession. The shot clock is reset when the ball contacts the rim or backboard, or when the defensive team gains control of the ball. fun fact: the shot clock was introduced to increase game attendance and fans of the game, because it made the game more interesting and it created a challenge!
Right now is NBA Live 09, but soon will be NBA Live 2010, but it depends what 2K SPorts brings to the table with KObe Bryant on the front of NBA 2K10. NBA THE SHOW SERIES IS NOT Up FOR GRABS. BAD NBA GAME SERIES!