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I have found the best way to drag a field is with a metal dragger attached to the back
of a tractor, 4x4, or gold cart. It allows for easy dragging and a very thorough job. It also makes it easier on the players that would have had to drag the field.

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Q: What is the best way to drag a softball infield?
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Related questions

What are softball bases made of?

Most softball bases today are made out of rubber. They do have a metal bottom that allows the base to stay where it is supposed to be. There are throw-down bases that are made out of foam and can be thrown down anywhere.

What is the best softball team?

ARIZONA. all the way

What university had the best softball team?

ArizonaArizona all the way

Why can't a 14' softball glove be used for infeild?

The way you have this question you're asking about a glove that's 14 feet (14'). I assume you mean 14 inches (14") and you can use one in the infield. It's not a preferred size because you can lose the ball in the glove meaning it's harder to get the ball out of a larger glove. In the infield, specifically middle infield, you use your glove more to redirect the ball instead of catch and contain. A smaller glove allows you the ability to get a grip on the ball faster in order to throw the ball quickly.

How many years of study involved softball?

The best way to study the game of softball is to play it. After playing for 8 years, there was always something new for me to learn. As a strategy game, softball takes a few days to learn, but forever to master.

Is there such a thing as AAU in softball?

There is ASA softball which is club team in a way like AAU

Are the jobs of a softball player hard to get?

yes you need to work hard to get the job of a softball player and by the way softball i hard to play!!!!

What is the difference between baseball and softball?

In Softball, the ball is bigger, but less dense. The pitching rubber is 43 feet away from Home Plate. The bats used in Softball are smaller. The bases are 60 feet apart from each other. You cannot take a lead before the ball is released by the pitcher. The infield consists only of dirt. The Corners play up by the pitcher. Softball consists of running slaps from the left side. The fence is 200 feet from Home Plate. Softball uses an underhand pitching technique called a 'Windmill'. A softball pitcher can start and finish a game, or even pitch a double header because the pitching technique is more of a natural motion than in Baseball.In Baseball, the ball is smaller, more dense. The pitching mound is 60 ft and 6 inches from Home Plate. The bats are bigger than in Softball. It's 90 feet to each base. You can lead off the bag before the ball is pitched. There is grass in the infield and dirt in the infield. The fence is typically 300 feet from Home Plate. Baseball uses an overhand pitching motion. A baseball pitcher usually does not finish a game and is relieved by another pitcher, and requires rest after a game since the pitching motion is not as natural as the pitching technique in is mostly played by an men and softball womens.Baseball- Much smaller ball, more innings (9 instead of 7), larger outfield, different way of pitching, longer distance between bases.

Is it safe to hit a softball with a baseball bat?

completely! a softball is less hard than a baseball but a baseball bat will not harm the softball in any way

When was The Way Out - Drag album - created?

The Way Out - Drag album - was created on 2005-07-10.

What are some pitching tools in baseball and softball?

It all depends. Baseball and softball pitching mechanics are way different.

How many square feet in softball field?

It is 60 feet from home to first on a softball field. It is the same distance between all the bases. The pitcher's mound is 40 to 43 feet way depending on the level of competition. The depth of the outfield varies from field to field.