Currently in 2009, the average salary of the Major League Baseball players are $3,240,000
(# players) total salary - avg salary - median salary
League (165 players) $13,342,158 - $80,862 - $52,250
Chicago(17) $1,329,273 - $78,193 - $33,075
Colorado(18) $1,648,250 - $91,569 - $46,463
Columbus(14) $1,394,994 - $99,642 - $72,150
Dallas(15) $741,515 - $49,434 - $44,550
D.C.(21) $2,075,067 - $98,813 - $80,000
Kansas City(14) $1,467,282 - $104,806 - $72,782
L.A.(15) $1,039,241 - $69,283 - $51,975
NY/NJ(15) $1,022,900 - $68,193 - $30,000
New England(14) $1,287,221 - $91,944 - $63,358
San Jose(18) $1,207,415 - $67,079 - $43,500
The salary for a MLB cameraman will vary depending on experience and where they work. The average MLB cameraman salary, however, is about $44,130 per year.
The average salary of an MLB player in 1964 was 14,863 US dollars. 1964 was the first year salary statistics for MLB were recorded. The highest paid MLB player that year was Willie Mays who earned $105,000.
According to MLB, the average salary of all players on opening day rosters in 2008 was $3.15 million. In 2007, the average salary was $2.94 million. Alex Rodriguez was the highest paid player in 2008 at $28 million. The MLB minimum salary was $390,000.
The median salary in the NFL in 2009 is roughly $770,000 The average salary per season paid to Major League Baseball players has topped the $3 million
According to the MLB Players Association, the MLB average salary in 1990 was $597,537 The highest paid player was Robin Yount of the Brewers at $3,200,000 and the minimum salary was $100,000.
There is no set starting salary for a MLB player as that is negotiated by the player and the team. The minimum salary for a MLB player in 2006 was $380,000 and the average salary for a MLB player in 2006 was $2,699,292.
That is tough to determine as different teams pay their players more/less money than other teams. According to USA Today, for the 2007 season, the team with the highest average salary was the Boston Red Sox at $3,591,667. The team with the lowest average salary was the Florida Marlins at $380,000. The highest paid player in 2007 was Jason Giambi of the New York Yankees at $23,428,571. Manny Ramirez earns 48,000,000 for two years playing with the Dodgers in 2009.
The Baltimore Orioles's 2014 team salary is $101334943, 16th in the MLB.
As of the 2014 season, the average height of a San Diego Padres player is 6'-01''.