As of the 2014 season, the average height of a San Diego Padres player is 6'-01''.
the average salary for a pro baseball player in 2005 is $1 (one dollar)
30000,00.43 on average
The average salary for a basketball player is 5.15 million dollars. The average salary for a football player is 14 million dollars.
According to numbers published by the Major League Baseball Players Association, the average player salary in 1969 was $24,909. The league minimum that season was $10,000.
In 2010, the average salary of a MLB player was $3,297,828. Alex Rodriguez leads with a salary of $33,000,000. The league minimum salary (2010) is $400,000. So, a baseball player is paid between $33,000,000 and $400,000.
The average salary of a Major League Baseball Player in 1920 was roughly $5,000. During this time, the average salary of other businesses were also about $20,000.
As of 2014, the average salary of an NFL player is forth highest among the big four sports of basketball, baseball, hockey, and football. The average NFL salary is $1.4 million per year.
The Los Angeles Dodgers have the highest payroll in Major League Baseball. Their current average player salary is over 10.3 million dollars.
MLB player Manny Machado made $519000 in the 2014 season.
Average salary as of 2012 season is $3,440,000 per year.