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if you are thinking about the line out then its averaging 12 meters, if you consider a standard pass then its 2 meters

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Q: What is the average length of a rugby ball throw?
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What is the length of a rugby ball?


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Can you carry kick and throw the ball in rugby?

yes in rugby you can drop, throw, kick or pass the ball backwards at any time

What is a rugby line out?

When the ball goes out of play and you throw it in. A bit like a throw-in in football

What is length and width of the throw ball?

lenght= 19.8 and width=9.8

Which ball is bigger a rugby ball or an American baseball?

A rugby ball

What kind of ball is used in rugby?

Its a rugby ball

What is the average time the ball is in play in a rugby game?

Rugby game is required to have the ball in play all times. So the answer would be 80mins.

What happens when you throw a rugby ball at a light?

Depending on the amount of protection said light has, and the ability of the person throwing the ball, at worst case scenario you get a smashed light and a punctured ball.

What is the rugby ball called?

A Rugby Ball. there are no other names for it

What is the longest throw for a lacrosse ball?

I don't know but my coach can throw it a little bit short the length of two fields.

What is the ball you play rugby with called?

Its called "A Rugby Ball" simple as that - There are different manufactures of these balls but they are all a rugby ball