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Maybe: Chelsea Dagger by the Fratellis

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Q: What is that song always played in a sports event that goes do-do-do-do-do-do?
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Related questions

What is an international sports event?

Sports that are played at international level (e.g. France vs England at football/soccer).

What is the famous sport in February?

The Super Bowl is played in February. This is the biggest sports event in American football.

What are some sports that are played in March?

The college basketball championship tournament is played in march. They call it march madness. It is a very popular event.

Who is an event official in sports games?

An event official is someone who overseas the rules of the game. There is no sport known that is played professionally where the calling of rules are left to the players themselves.

Dick button peggy Fleming and Dorothy hamill were all superstars in which sports event?

your moms sports event

What sporting event was re-introduced from the 1924 Olympics to the 2012 olympics?

There were none of the 26 Sports not played in 2008 and there were 2 Softball and Baseball played in 2008 and not in 2012. You might mean an event , but definitely it was not a sport or even a discipline

What is a prearranged sporting event?

a prearranged sports event is a sporting event that was arranged before playing the game itself like in all of sports unless its back yard sports, but you can still prearrange those to

What is sporting?

People like to play sports because they are fun and they give you a workout.

What three categories is sports massage divided into?

Pre-event, inter-event, and post-event.

Would a man wearing puttees to be a sports event or a doctor?

A sports man

What is another name for an athletic event?


What is Event attractions?

event attractions,include congresses.exhibitions,festivas, such as the anti-festival,and sports events such as Olympics games.