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In Basketball, a substitution is when one player goes in for another.

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Q: What is substitution in basketball?
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When can a substitution be made in basketball?

when your in a stoppage of the game and you take a player out

When one player comes out and another goes in what is it called for basketball?


What are the substitution rules in basketball?

Substitutions are rolling and can be made during a break in play.

How is a substitution made in basketball?

you walked to the scores table and sit down so they can still see and wait till the ref tells you it is aloud to come in

How do you use a weighted basketball?

A weighted basketball is typically used as a substitution for a medicine ball in iplyometric drills and for strength training exercises. Some common excercises include Medicine Ball Squats, Core Exercises, and Circular Drills.

What is the Definition of substitution?

substitution menthod

What is Marginal Rate of Substitution?

marginal rate of substitution

What is a sentence using the word substitution?

I can give you several sentences.Use that ingredient as a substitution for the one you don't have.He is going in as a substitution for the quarterback.This is a substitution for the real thing.Margarine could be used as a substitution.

When was Substitution - song - created?

Substitution - song - was created in 2009.

When was Successive Substitution created?

Successive Substitution was created in 1989.

When was The Grand Substitution created?

The Grand Substitution was created in 1965.

What is Definition marginal rate of substitution?

marginal rate of substitution