Drop = (weight of bat in oz) - (length of bat) Wood bats have a natural drop of -3, so: (-3) = (weight of bat in oz) - (34) 31 oz = weight of a 34 inch wood bat. In the MLB, that's the minimum weight of a bat. That's why corked bats are illegal, because they weigh less and give a more negative drop (which is an advantage).
5-5.25 oz
Weight of a Major League Baseball According to the rule book, a baseball must weigh at least 5 ounces and can not exceed 5.25 ounces. Official balls must weigh between 5 and 5 1/4 ounces.
Oz -= Ounces = weight.
"oz" stands for ounces, which is a unit of measurement commonly used to express weight in the United States.
For a 12-inch softball the weight must be between 6.25 and 7 ounces.
A -3 Bat is a bat where the weight is equal to the height minus 3 So if you had a 34 inch bat, the weight would be 31 oz.
145 oz
4 ounces of WHAT? 4 oz of water is..... 4 oz of water- both volume and weight. (That is a half cup) But a weight of 4 oz of flour will be MORE than a half cup (flour is lighter than water)
no, a regulation baseball usually weighs about 9 oz.
For beagles, the average birth weight is 7.4 oz. Range may go between 7.0 oz to 9.0 oz.