teammate, rower...
Backward force is called "retrograde" force.
any appreciable lateral or sideward movement of top of a vertical column relative to its bottom is called sidesway ,sway or lateral drift...
That part of the stick is called the "blade"
The language with a backward "N" is called "NΗng," spoken by the ΗNΗo people in Namibia.
Turning the palm backward or downward is called pronation. This movement involves rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces downward or backward.
They are called palindromes.
it is actually a D and a backward C. But its called DC its a skater brand.
When a football team is on offense, they have four types of plays that they can perform. 1. They can run the football to gain yards. 2. They can throw a forward or backward (called a lateral) pass to gain yards. 3. They can kick a field goal to try to get 3 points. 4. They can punt the football to the opposing team with the hopes of putting the opposing team in "bad" field position.