No, the Super Bowl does not happen on the same day every year. The event always tries to set a day on the Sunday of the last week of January. When this happens, sometimes the Super Bowl will end up taking place on the first days of February. For example, the Super Bowl in 2014 took place on February 2nd.
The Rose Bowl Parade is always held on New Year's Day in Pasadena, California. The only exception to this is when New Year's Day falls on a Sunday. In that case, the parade is held on Monday, January 2.
The Super Bowl is on tomorrow.
Very, very doubtful. The Super Bowl is played in warm weather climates or in dome stadiums where the weather is not warm. ( with San Francisco being the exception ). Denver is way to cold in February. If Denver ever builds a dome, then probably, yes. Don't hold your breath,
The same day as the super bowl.
Their perfect season ended with a win in the Superbowl on January 14, 1973. They also won the Super Bowl the next year on January 13, 1974.
all day
Friday. The most sales of alcohol in the entire year is Super Bowl Sunday.
The 2010 Super Bowl will be played on Sunday, February 7, 2010, in Miami.
super bowl Sunday!
On average, about 325 million gallons of soda are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday in the United States. Coca-Cola is a popular choice among consumers on this day.