when you watch football and start screaming yeah go team ( eg chelsea,QPR....)
She has powers and roots
Cheerleaders don't only cheer for football. There is also competitive cheer leading and cheering for other sports.
Yes The TCU Cheerleaders have the privilege of cheering for a nationally ranked, Division I football program. The cheerleaders travel to away football games
Not always football. And some teenage boys enjoy other sports. ( baseball, basketball,etc.) basketball is the most popular sport for teens. But teenage girls Enjoy sports as well. Not really playing them but cheering for them from the sidelines. Either watching or cheering on a cheer team. But football is another sport many teens enjoy.
the crowd was cheering
The definition is simple, cheering people on, urging them to be happy about the football or Wrestling game that they are at. Even when the team is losing, You help the fans have faith in there team.
Many people enjoy outings to football games, for camraderie, tailgating before games, being among people, excitement and crowds, and cheering on your team.
Ricky Martin Or sung by thousands of cheering fans at football (soccer) games around the world.
It can be (cheering crowds). Cheering is the present participle of the verb (to chafe) and can be an adjective or a noun (gerund).
No, because cheering isn't a sport
say hi to him in the halls or ask him if he is going to the football game Friday or if he is a football player tell him you will be cheering him on i have done this and it has worked
The collective nouns could be a crowd of people cheering and shouting, an audience of people cheering and shouting, or a mob of people cheering and shouting.