If a player is in the penalty box and some one scores you get to get out of the box. Example: I get a penalty and my team scores I get to get out. Or I'am in the penalty box and then the other team scores I get to get out.
They dont have team scores but there record was 10-3.
netball scores are people who keep track of how many goals each team scores ;)
You get a "+1" for being on the ice when your team scores and a "-1" when your on the ice when the opposing team scores
Yes, the team that scores the most runs wins in the game of softball.
24 is the average points per quarter that an MBA team scores.
The team that scores receives the volleyball again.
It's a reference to his child.
The winning team
the team that scored the touchdown kicks the ball off to the other team
then it's a shootout for the winning team