The advantages of soccer is that you get great excercise and you can make new friends. You will learn different skills. From my 10 years of soccer i have learned to be a great agresive player.
it makes u strong and healthy and tall and skinny and um....u know all good stuff for ur body n all! :) you need to be able to work as a team you should work out at least 4 times a week and should eat healty you will be in great shape by the time you need to start playing
A study by Danish researches found that soccer players had more fun, shed more fat, built more muscle and were less tired than a comparison group who spent the same amount of time jogging. The researchers selected men with similar health profiles aged 31 to 33 and split them into groups of soccer players, joggers, and couch potatoes - who not surprisingly ended the three-month study in the worst shape. Each period of exercise lasted about one hour and took place three times a week. After 12 weeks, researchers found that the body fat percentage in the soccer players dropped by 3.7 percent, compared to about 2 percent for the joggers. The soccer players also increased their muscle mass by almost 4.5 pounds, whereas the joggers didn't have any significant change. Those who did no exercise registered little change in body fat and muscle mass.
Advantage, in soccer, refers to the discretion a referee has in calling a foul. If stopping play will affect the fouled team in an adverse way the referee can use the advantage clause and not stop play.
Example: A player is making the attack towards the goal and gets fouled by a defender, the player with the ball recovers and retains possession and is capable of scoring. The referee would take away the advantage by stopping play for the foul.
Soccer players have practice and gear. Here is a list of gear.
"Playing the advantage" in Association football (soccer) is where a foul has been committed but instead of the Referee awarding a free kick, play is allowed to continued if the Referee perceives this would be advantageous to the team which the foul was committed against. Having played the advantage the Referee can still "call back play" if the perceived advantaged does not materialise as he anticipated.
passing team has the advantage
Men, because of their advantage in strength.
The procedure of resuming the game of football from a thrown in is that the other team to have had the last touch are usually given the advantage to resume play.
the physical size of person playing Baseball is less important the pro football and Basketball
in American football, to take care of the football field is to always have good field position. (to punt it when its fourth down and you're on your 25 yrd. line) and most simply make plays using your surroundings.
Football, basketball, wrestling, boxing, hockey and hammer throw. Family Feud Answers: Football, basketball, wrestling, boxing, hockey.
Super Bowl 'home field' advantage alternates. The National Football Conference champion is the home team for odd numbered Super Bowls. The American Football Conference champion is the home team for even numbered Super Bowls.
to have fun and learn skills and tricks to enjoys a game of soccer with ya mate or family to learn
I Play hockey arena football and baseball ya bru I got swag and skills
It depends on her body type and previous sports experience. She might have an advantage as a kicker.
no, the location of the superbowl is chosen 3 or 4 years in advance