Each field is about 116 yards (100+8 yard endzones) so ten fields would be 1160 yards assuming no space is in between them. Simple math
If you're talking about length and not area, 52.8 football fields (end-zones excluded) will have a length of 3 miles.
3,000 feet.
About the length of 11 football fields
about because 1 kilometer is 1000 meters which is about 1000 yards and each field is 100 yards so 1000 divided by 100 is 10 football fields
I don't think so.
4 football fields
You would use the unit of meters to measure the length of 10 football fields.
A length of 300 meters is equivalent to the length of three ( 3 ) American football fields.
About 5.5 football field lengths. (Football field length= 160 ft, Titanic length= 882.75 feet [882' 9"])
The length of a football field in India is 100 yards. Fields are the same size in every part of the world, and they can range from 100 to 130 yards in length, and 50 to 100 yards in width.