== == == == When the ball is advanced past the end zone line it is called a touchdown. It is worth 6 points. A touchdown can be scored on offense or defense by any player. A touchdown can also be scored if there is a fumble in the end zone, and the team that scored on that end zone recovers the fumble.
Touchdown is a noun.
Jim Brown
point after touchdown point after touchdown
is there a way to have a "best" touchdown
The touchdown is 10 yards big and the touchdown is 30 feet wide!!! BY!!! AWESOME ANSWER BY ME!!!!!!!! :)
You get 6 points for a touchdown.
Torneio Touchdown was created in 2008.
Travis Touchdown was created in 2007.
touchdown = 6 points extra point is 1 point but comes after a touchdown
The duration of Mickey's Touchdown is 1080.0 seconds.
PAT stands for Point After Touchdown.