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Many Sports are played in two different parts of the world including Soccer (football), Baseball, Tennis, Lacrosse etc.

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Q: What is a sport that is played in two different parts of the world?
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No, but it is the most played sport (or popular) in the world.

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Field hockey is typically a winter sport around the world, but given the seasonal difference between different parts of the world, some teams might play nearly year round; However, the middle of summer is usually a period of relaxation, the only break some people get from the sport.

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It got to be Soccer.

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There was no football (soccer) World Cup in 2008... are you referring to a different sport?

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Soccer, or Futball as some parts of the world calls it.

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Because different parts of the world offers different living conditions.

Is lacrosse a world wide sport?

Yes lacrosse is a world wide sport it played in japan as well as Australia

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