a pop pass is a quick pass that mainly goes up. This is handy when trying to get it over the opposition although remember not to pass it to far and hard when doing it . It should just be a 'pop'
A free pass in Netball is when the other team gets the ball because the team they got the ball from: go's offside, contacts, steps, the ball was last touched by this team when it went out, held ball or this team throws the ball more than one thirds length.
There has to be enough room between the players hand throwing the ball and the player catching for a third person to fit, if there isn't this is referred to as a 'short pass'.
The penalties in netball are contact and obstruction, intimidation also comes under the category of these two penalties.
bounce pass dig pass
When you are playing netball you could double make on the center pass.
overarm throw, bounce pass or chest pass.
centre pass
ATP-PC system is used for high intensity short bursts of energy such as sprinting... In netball it is used when leading for the ball or the centre driving to the circle. it can also be used when jumping for a high pass.
It is used when you have to make a strong and far pass
In netball, if the shooter shoots, misses the hoop and catches it, it will be a replay ball and the ball will be handed over to the other tea.
cause you use your biceps whenever you do passing in netball. I play netball. even though I'm 13 -Tillie